23. Wake Word Detection#

23.1. Pre-Reading#

TinyML Chapter 7

23.1.1. Objectives#

  • Understand how spectral samples can be processed for ML

  • Deploy a pre-trained model to TFLite Micro on Arduino

23.2. Lab#

23.2.1. Setup Arduino#

Open Arduino IDE.

Navigate to tensorflow/tflite-micro-arduino-examples (github.com) and download the repository as a zipfile.

Add the examples zipfile to Arduino IDE libraries via Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library

Add example zipfile to Arduino IDE

Plug in your Nano 33 BLE Sense to your laptop using a micro USB cable.

23.2.2. Run Example#

See TinyML Chapter 7: Arduino for more detail.

  • Open the micro_speech example from the newly added library.

  • Peruse the code files to get an idea of what you are about to run.

  • Select Nano 33 BLE Sense device

  • Select COM port

  • Upload the code

Compiling will take a while. After uploading, a verbal “Yes” should give you a green light. A verbal “No” will give you a red light. Any other word will be blue.