C&C: Prediction and Dimensionality

6. C&C: Prediction and Dimensionality#

6.1. Pre-Reading#

6.2. Objective#

This is a Clarify and Communicate lesson. The objective of a C&C is to:

  1. Clarify any questions, perceptions, or misconceptions about the preceding lessons

  2. Communicate what you have learned.

These classes are motivated by the harsh reality that because you’ve had a smidgen of AI experience, people will now regard you as something of an expert and ask you all sorts of wild questions.

The lesson is broken into two parts. First, an open forum for asking any question at all about the block. Second, a closed-note written quiz. This quiz will typically have a question that requires a written response, as well as a few multiple choice questions. The written response is not formatted like a normal GR; rather, it may involve more role-play, such as an email from your commander.

The C&C is graded based on your clarity of communication and your knowledge of the material. In some cases, the answer may be “I need to go do some research and find that out” - if so, specify where you’d look for the answer and approximately how long you think it would take.